Mindful Strategies for Creating a Life, Business, and Brand That Feels Good

In this engaging podcast episode, Stephanie interviews Jeni Raitsin, the founder of Leisure Hacker, a company focused on helping busy women find balance and manage stress. Jeni shares insights on mindful entrepreneurship, emphasizing the importance of having a clear vision, adopting a sailor’s mindset to navigate challenges, and understanding core values for effective rebranding. 

She highlights the significance of incorporating feelings into brand representation and provides practical advice on overcoming decision-making stress.

Episode Highlights:

  • Importance of a clear vision as a guiding force in business
  • Strategies for decision-making in response to changes such as a rebrand
  • Integration of mindfulness into daily activities as a lifestyle
  • Practical advice on reducing decision-making stress

Jeni Raitsin is a Mindful Productivity & Mental Fitness (PQ) coach and an international keynote speaker. Her work combines neuroscience and practical time and energy management strategies with positive psychology and modern-day mindfulness, intentionally designed to help busy women find better, less stressful ways to create greater income and impact without sacrificing their relationships, health, or happiness.


All right, Jeni, would you like to tell us who you are, what you do, and who you help?

Jeni Raitsin

Yes, so my name is Jeni Raitsin. I’m a mindful productivity coach and a mental fitness trainer and I help busy women find better, less stressful ways to get things done, to reach their goals. And I do it through a combination of different practices, combining neuroscience and time and energy management together with positive psychology and mindfulness like the whole arch to really, really help people make the best decisions, reach their goals, but also feel amazing while doing it and balancing everything together.


Yeah, and you are so good at what you do too. Just your free content is so worth binging. And then working with you is so amazing too. You’re really, really talented at what you do.

Jeni Raitsin

Thank you so much.


So I know your background, but for those that are new to you, can you talk a little bit about what led you to pursue this business and your background in design and architecture and all that good stuff?

Jeni Raitsin

Yes. So I used to be an architect for almost a decade. Then the whole kind of like training worked in an office, had a great job, was a team lead, everything was great. Or at least it looked great on the outside. And I always loved architecture and design, but for a while I had this just inner calling, you can say, and I don’t know if it’s like my purpose, but something felt off.

Everything was going well, like had a great job, had a great life, but I wasn’t happy. And I thought if I just like did more and work more and achieve more, it will kind of like solve all these problems and make me happier. But it just made me feel burnt out.

So eventually I was completely overworked, burned myself out and decided that this is not the path I want to pursue and I didn’t know what I wanted to pursue. 

The realm of productivity and well-being and mindfulness was just kind of like this side hustle in the beginning. I was always into productivity. It started from a blog, just learning all I can about it, just finding ways for myself to make things easier, to try to balance all the things I wanted to do together with the things that I needed to do. And it just started as just something fun, sharing in a blog and other realms of business. 

I went into entrepreneurship. This little side project was called Leisure Hacker and it’s still called Leisure Hacker today, it was just getting louder and louder and I just felt so driven to pursue that.

I went into studying how to become a coach and studying positive intelligence. And one thing led to another. And here we are today.


I love that. That’s such a good, well-rounded story of how you got to where you are. Once you get to know Jeni and what she does and everything, you can see pieces of her background coming out and her teachings and how that’s influenced her to be the coach that she is today. So, I love that.

Jeni, how would you define mindful productivity? Because this comes down to what your ethos is, what you’re doing is mindful productivity. So how would you define that and how is that relevant to our listeners?

Jeni Raitsin

I think for me, mindful productivity is more than just a productivity method or a system. It’s a way of living. It’s a lifestyle. It’s just how can we both achieve the things we want to achieve in our business, with our family, and our personal goals, and still feel good about it.

And I think there’s so many people that teach performance and productivity and how to get things done and how to reach our goals and how to make 6K in six days or whatever it is. And there’s a lot of people that teach mindfulness, and how to meditate and how to manage our stress.

But I’ve never encountered this combination of the two and how can we actually use our wellbeing and lowering our stress levels to reach more goals. So that’s kind of like my unique combination that I bring because I think, well, I hope that some of the listeners are just like me and I’m guessing that just like you – we want both.

We also want to live our lives and be happy and just feel fulfilled and feel balanced and have and I think that’s super relevant to your listeners who have both we don’t just want our business or our job. We also want to have a family and pursue personal life, work, whatever it is whether it’s growing the garden or growing babies or fur babies or plant babies or whatever kind of family that I think it’s just allowing us to have both and maintain a sense of peace of mind and well-being while doing that.


I love that. That’s so good. So let’s talk a little bit about the how. You talk about people who want to have both productivity and reach their goals in business and in life, but how can they go about like determining what that vision is and what their values are, not just in their business, but like bringing their life values into their business and making it all kind of like work together.

Jeni Raitsin

I think you had a really important point because I think the clarity and having that vision is super, super important before everything. And I see so many people starting to do things, starting a business, starting and we’re going to talk about it because it’s your expertise, doing like this branding or taking a lot of action and then come to a stage and they realize it’s not very aligned with who they are or what they want to achieve. And that’s why I say like having that bigger vision that includes both our personal lives and our business in just like this one kind of cohesive vision is super, super important. 

I love that you said having our core values because everybody that has a business, most of us are small business owners. You know, we’re not running a startup, not running a massive company. The bottom line isn’t just profit.

It is also doing what we love and also enjoying doing what we love. That’s why it’s important to understand what it looks like for us, because there’s no right or wrong answer. It’s going to look different for everybody. Just understanding what is important to us, and what values lead us can help us, first of all, create a business and a life that feels good, that is aligned, but also that’s more productive and more profitable.

Eventually, when we’re doing something we love and enjoy and is aligned there’s more energy, we’re in the flow, things go easier, we don’t have to push ourselves into achieving more goals so it just becomes easier to take action after we understand where we want to go.


I love that. So what are some of the common mental blocks you think people have when they’re trying to align their goals and their vision with their values?

Jeni Raitsin

I think in positive intelligence, we break it down and we know the mental blocks and it can be from people pleasing to hyperachieving can also be a mental block or perfectionism or overthinking. But for the sake of this conversation, I really want to call it external noise. And I think if we connect it to this vision, I call it “the should.”

I should do this. I need to do it this way or I shouldn’t have done it this way. So all of these shoulds that can come from society, can come from social media, can come from our own family or our internal noise and it’s that little voice that comes from fear that’s usually there to sabotage us that’s saying like oh you should know better, you should be better, you should do better, all of these shoulds usually interfere from creating whatever we want to create or reach whatever goal we want to reach.


Yeah, I find a lot of my clients get caught up on that should stuff too. When they’re rebranding or just starting a brand for the first time too, they see these things that other people are doing and they’re like, Oh, that’s what I should be doing. This is what my business should look like.

Instead of asking themselves, what do I want my business to look like? What do I want my brand to look like? How is that going to benefit the people that I’m trying to help versus just trying to achieve some external metric.

It’s almost like when you’re looking at social media and seeing how many followers someone has you think that because they have 10k plus followers that they’re some big-wig and that they’re doing great in their business when they might actually be struggling but then you’re looking at that saying oh I should be trying to achieve what they’re trying to achieve because that means they’re successful which means I’ll be successful but that’s not necessarily the case, is it?

Jeni Raitsin

Not at all and I think that’s like the best recipe to feel like a failure every time because every time we follow an external should we’re operating by somebody else’s compass and somebody else’s vision and whatever it is and there are ways and strategies and we should quote unquote learn now, but eventually the best way to create a business and a life that is aligned to us and is successful is just from following our internal voice. 

And I want to give the best example because we’re talking about like design and branding. Between my career in architecture and building this business, I did a lot of freelance graphic design. I learned it when I was in university. I loved it. It was a great way to make money and I did all my design, my website and it is very different from what a coach’s website should look like.

And in the beginning, I had a lot of imposter syndrome. Should I hire a professional brand designer or web designer or whatever it is or should I myself make it look like you know all these coaches all these brands that are successful and it’s very tempting like because you say like oh they’re doing so well I’m in the beginning like this is the way to stand out this is the way to make money. 

But there was this little voice in the back of my mind that was telling me, like, no, Jeni, just like, make it yours, make it aligned to you, make it like your personality. And whoever comes, like they should be your clients. And my website till this day, it’s still my design. It’s my original design. It’s something that is very, very much aligned to me, to my brand, to the Leisure Hacker brand. And it’s very not like everybody else’s.

In a good way and in a bad way. And I want to say that I’ve gotten so many comments on my website. Like everybody’s asking who designed it? It’s so unique. It looks so much like you, the people who know me know that it is very much me. It’s me on a webpage. If you want to know my personality, just go to this website and see it. Like it’s very much me. And I’ve been getting a lot of good feedback on it. 

Not because it’s just like everybody else’s and maybe it’s kind of less professionally designed, but it’s very much my personality and I think as a coach, people want to work with me partially because of who I am. And the people that resonate with this website have become my best clients, whether it’s workshops or one-on-one because they can see what I stand for in the design. 

I think if I listened to this external noise and went on this like a typical way and didn’t carve the time, it took so much time to understand my brand values and my core values and what I stand for and my colors and my vision and then integrate it into a design.

Yeah, it’s not like it should be, but it’s very much me. I don’t know, we went on a tangent, but I think it all connects somehow.


Yeah, no, that’s great. That kind of brings me back to how can mindfulness practices help someone, especially someone that’s not so design-inclined because a lot of my clients, and a lot of my listeners are not. They are the ones that are looking for help in that arena. Like they don’t know how to align their values and their brand mission and all this good stuff with visuals.

That’s part of my job is helping them to connect those things and for us to come up with a solution that is unique to them, that stands out to their ideal clients, and that they also feel good about. That’s something that I’ve never agreed with lots of other designers on, I’m not the expert on somebody else’s business. They are the expert on it. I just have to guide them to a visual answer that’s going to help them pursue their mission even further.

My question for you though is how can these mindfulness practices that you help your clients go through, how can that help them to make these decisions that are going to be useful in developing their brand?

Jeni Raitsin

Great question. First of all, if I in any way implied you should build your own website, no, you should get a website designer. Don’t do it by yourself. It was such a beginner’s mistake. Like I love it and I’m so pleased with it, but it’s the stage of your business that you’re like, Oh, I can do everything on my own. And then you grow and you’re like, why didn’t I just hire somebody to do it for me?


You also have the experience too.

Jeni Raitsin

For me, it was definitely my pleasure. I love design. It was fun for me. I do have the knowledge and the experience. If you don’t please hire out somebody to help you. But I agree with what you said, Steph, that I think you need to like every person needs to do their own work and understand their vision and their core values and what they represent and then go to a designer, preferably you, because you are so, so talented at what you do, to help you translate it into visuals.

But in the beginning, the core work is clarity. And this is where mindfulness comes in because mindfulness allows us to silence the noise. This is everything that it does.

Different mindfulness practices, whether it’s meditation, and we can talk about the difference between meditation and mindfulness if you want, but mindfulness in these practices helps us kind of like lower the volume on the negative voices in our head, the external noises, the shoulds, all the fears, and when we lower the volume on all of this noise, we get clarity.

We get clarity that is very much from our deeper desires, the internal core of who we are. And we need to sometimes peel a lot of layers of noise, of external conditioning, of limiting beliefs, of fear, of should-haves, in order to get to that internal positive coherent vision from that then we can it’s much easier to get like oh this is what I stand for this is my core values and then we go to a person and says oh this is how it looks like in a visual aspect from colors and fonts and pictures and graphic and just build a very cohesive brand that also later helps us represent who we are and what we stand for to the outside world, to our customers or potential customers.


Oh, yeah, I love that. So talking about a rebrand, like thinking of a rebrand, that’s a big change for a business. Change is something that happens in business, and in life all the time, it’s something that’s completely inevitable. We have to be expecting it because it’s going to happen. So how can having a mindful approach to not just their business, but life in general, help people to adapt to changes like a rebrand without losing sight of their core vision and values?

Jeni Raitsin

I love this question, but I think we can talk about rebranding and in general changes or challenges that we face and we will face, whether it’s in business, whether it’s in life. It’s just about, again, having a very, very clear vision is just like a North Star. And if we’re sailing in the open sea, we don’t have a map. We have some navigation tools. 

It’s just understanding that sometimes we’re not going to just sail straight to whatever we want to go. There’s going to be wind and there’s going to be waves and there’s going to be like things happening in the ocean. We need to adjust. Once we have it and something that I teach in my coaching practice, I call it a sailor’s mindset. And it’s just understanding that a good sailor is not somebody who knows how to navigate the sea. And if there’s a wind coming from the right, they know how to put the sails or swing to the left or just how to navigate the boat with whatever is happening to get to where we want to get. 

Most business owners or most humans, because this is how we’re wired, go out at sea and try to control the ocean. We think if we have a good, like the best plan, or we have the right strategy, we will be able to go out and sail and it’s gonna be just smooth sailing. Or if we like will it enough or think hard enough, we’ll be able to control it.

I think these are the people who fail every time. If we adopt this sailor’s mindset we’re just like, I’m just sailing. I have my North Star. I know where I’m going pretty much. Like, we don’t have to know it like dot by dot. We just have the vision. Again, going back to the vision, who we are, what are our core values. And then we’re like, okay, sometimes I understand that I need to navigate a little to the right, a little to the left, but I’m going in the direction of north.

I know where I’m going and I’m sailing through it. And a rebrand is just understanding that, whoa, the wind has changed. I need to adjust my sails to adjust to the new direction of the wind. And a lot of the time I see many, many people push through there. 

If I push hard enough or if I just will it to make it work, but it’s just going against the wind. You might reach your goal, you might get there, but it’s gonna be really, really hard. And I’m like, do we really wanna sail against the wind? I don’t know, probably not.


Yeah, we tend to make it harder for ourselves than it needs to be.

Jeni Raitsin

100% this is how we’re wired. This is just part of being a human being making things harder than it should be.


That’s why I think what you do is so important because it’s not that you’re trying to teach anyone like these super abstract different ways of living or anything. You’re just trying to teach people how to come back to themselves and realize that they’ve already got the answers that they need. You just need to calm down for a minute and figure it out.

Jeni Raitsin

100% I think this is why my approach to just general personal development is a little different because a lot of the time I see coaches talk about change. We need to change we need to be better and I’m like no I believe that personal development is our core. We are already whole, we are already good, we already have all of our internal sage wisdom, and all of this journey is just peeling off the layers of the noise of conditioning, of limiting beliefs, of shoulds to get to who we truly are. 

I think entrepreneurship is a great way to do it because it makes you face all of your bullshit and, sorry for my language, limitations, and lies you’ve been telling to yourself ways you’ve been playing small. 

I think entrepreneurship is just a mirror to all of these things. And it’s just another way for us to peel that back. In my coaching this all I do, I don’t believe people need to be different to have more success or to be happier, on the contrary, all I help people do is just peel the layers of everything that’s not working for them to get to what is working to the core that’s already there so again people can do this journey on their own if they have enough awareness. 

Sometimes it’s just hard because a lot of this programming is happening in our subconscious mind. So it’s hard to get to the subconscious mind on our own because it’s subconscious. This is usually when we need a coach, a therapist, or a practitioner of any kind and different people help us do it. But it’s just about bringing the awareness of what blocks are blocking us and knowing how to work around them.


I love what you said about entrepreneurship being such a good tool for personal development because I found when I started getting into entrepreneurship around 2017, 2018, somewhere around in that time, that was when I started realizing, oh, like, you know, there’s so many things that I thought were hard for myself or just seemed to be happening to me or whatever. And it was stuff that I could have really made a difference around if I had just had the awareness that it was me that was causing the issues and not external factors. So I just, love that. I love that.

I have a very specific question. Are there any exercises that I could take my design clients through to help them create more of an aligned brand strategy? Because I don’t always do brand strategy with my clients. A lot of them come to me with that already ready to go. But there are some that are just like, I have my business. I have a general vision. But I don’t know my messaging, I don’t know my mission statement, my vision statement, and my audience, all this good stuff that they need to know for me to do the design work for them. 

Some need help with that brand strategy. So is there anything that I could do to take them through an exercise or something that would make this an easier process?

Jeni Raitsin

This is a good question. Well, there are the usual big questions like imagine your brand is a place or imagine your brand as a person, or imagine your brand is something that it’s easier to represent with words. And I think all of these questions lead us to our core values. So I would just start with that. 

I would think like what are again, if it’s like a personal brand, it’s easier because usually our values as a human being correlates or corresponds in some ways with our brand values of our business. So I would just do a values exercise.

You can Google it and just find the easiest find your core values exercise. There are many lists on the internet you can find it for free and it’s just about I think understanding what you represent because all of the things you said that are really important for a brand to have like messaging, target audience, all of these things. 

But sometimes we’re so in our head, especially when we’re just beginning as entrepreneurs or when we’re doing rebranding, we get so much in our head. We’re like, oh my God, the target audience, I have to have like the perfect mission statement or the perfect bio. In the beginning, I feel like I spent more than a year thinking about this and I wish somebody had told me just let it go.

Just understand what you stand for and how to represent it in many ways, whether it’s through your brand, or through your messaging. And I think it’s just a way to kind of like zoom out and get out of our own way and out of our own heads when we’re trying to figure out it. And I think when we, once we know our core values, it’s going to be easier to answer a lot of the other questions if that makes sense.


Oh yeah. I think that’s something that a lot of clients end up having an issue with is getting outside of themselves and looking at their brand from their ideal clients perspective and coming at it in a way that they’re going to understand at face value what they are about without even having an interaction with them, whether that’s going to be like on their website, through social media or some other platform.

Jeni Raitsin

Amazing. And also one last tip. I have another thing. Think about feelings. I think it’s something that we also work a lot with like a neuroscience perspective that most of our interactions go through the PQ channel and not the data channel.

We can also have a conversation with a person on social media or on our website. It doesn’t matter. Have an interaction. A lot of the time most people focus on what you say, the words on the website. And I know that I’ve been used to being obsessed with how to phrase exactly what I do with the offering name. But eventually, people buy because brands make them feel a certain way or a person makes them feel a certain way. 

Think less about the wording or the specifics or the colors, but think about the feeling. Again, it kind of relates to our core values, but how would you like your ideal client to feel? Is it supported? Is it fun? Is it just excitement? And then kind of try to convey that feeling in different ways, in words, in colors, in brands, in representation, but just sticking to the feeling instead of the wording because I think the wording sometimes drives people crazy. 

I know I’m like that. I tend to overthink every word I use, but then I’m like, okay, what is the general feeling I want people to feel and then how can I convey that in my brand?


Oh yeah, that’s so good. That’s a core thing that you can come back to because everything else that you do in your brand can like spider web out from that feeling. Because I mean, the emojis that you use, the word choices that you have, the colors that you use, singularly, they will have a particular feeling to them, but when they all come into play together, then they should have that overarching feeling of like comfort or excitement or fun or other words like that. So I love that. I’m glad you mentioned that.

So do you have any other final words of encouragement or advice for those who are struggling to make decisions around what they want when it comes to their business and life?

Jeni Raitsin

Ooh, have self-compassion. Don’t be so hard on yourself. I know this is probably counterintuitive advice, but our brain, when we are stressed and we feel like we need to make a decision, our brain goes into tunnel vision. And all we can see is the problem.

I need to solve this. This is a problem. I need to figure out my brain. I need to figure out my mission statement. I need to do this. And the more we think, it’s just like this negative feedback loop, our brain just closes up more and more and more and more, and it becomes harder to tap into that part of the brain that makes clear-headed, good, positive decisions. 

So chill, relax. Have self-compassion, put it aside, go for a walk, go for a swim, go to your garden, stand outside, read a book, dance around, or do something to activate parts of your brain that are capable of having like calm decision-making.

Open that tunnel vision and then from that place, I’m guaranteeing you that the answer will come. This is the neurological reason that we have great ideas in the shower, while we drive, while we walk. Why? Because we’re not stressed about the decision we have to make. We can tap into that part of our brain that all the good stuff like creativity, focus, and brain states on our own.

We can like produce them and like take a long shower. You’re sitting, you’re thinking about your brain and you’re like, I have to make this decision. I have to make this decision. And I’m like, no, leave it, go take a shower, take a walk, take a drive, do whatever it is. Be easy on yourself. Don’t judge yourself for not making this decision and then come back. And I guarantee your brain will function in a much higher state to produce the best results or the best decisions you can.


Can confirm that long showers will help you make better decisions!

Jeni Raitsin

Yes, yes.


Love that, Jeni. Thank you so much. So let’s get into some rapid-fire questions to get to know you a little bit better. So first thing is how have your mindfulness practices helped you specifically to manage stress in daily life and all that good stuff?

Jeni Raitsin

The practices I teach like in positive intelligence have changed my life completely. I used to be an over-worker, I used to be an over-thinker, and a very, very anxious person. And I think it allowed me to, again, kind of peel off all of these negative habits and really allow myself to be who I am and just enjoy it. And I think it’s really, really hard to enjoy life or owning a business when you’re constantly stressed.

Knowing that you have the tools to manage your stress, to manage your anxiety, and to manage overthinking, just completely changed my life.


I love that. What would you say is one of your favorite practices that you do on a daily basis to help you?

Jeni Raitsin

I teach something specific in my coaching, but I would say mindfulness. Just not meditation as a separate practice, but just mindfulness in daily life. How can I bring mindful awareness to everything I do? To the coffee I drink, to when I brush my teeth, to the walk I’m doing. I’m trying to live my life through mindfulness and not just treat it as something I do. It’s just becoming a part of how I do other things if that makes sense. 

It’s just kind of like what I said, it’s more of a lifestyle and how you do things and doing things more mindfully, instead of just journaling or meditation or like a practice or a habit that I do.


Yeah, no, I love that. That’s so good. All right. So what is your favorite nonwork-related thing to do?

Jeni Raitsin

Bake. I think it’s also a great stress reliever. It’s been a hobby of mine for years, but now I’ve moved to my own place and it has a really, really amazing big kitchen, which just makes you want to bake even more. So definitely baking.


Yes. I love that. You recently got a nice recipe book from your grandmother. Is that right?

Jeni Raitsin

Yes, so it’s an old recipe book. It’s all handwritten in Russian. I’ve been trying to use my mom to kind of translate some of the recipes because my grandma is 99 years old. Yeah, she doesn’t, so it’s not her age. She’s always been like this. She cooks or bakes, she’s like just put some sugar, just put some flour. And I’m like, how much? 

And she’s like, whatever you feel like. I’m like, a tablespoon, a cup, give me some measurements. So she never does it. She’s such an amazing intuitive baker.

It’s been really, really hard to try to do her recipes. But now I found her old recipes and they’re still very, very vague, but I’m trying to recreate some of it and just hopefully become as good as she was.


I love that. That’s so special. That sounds like a lot of Southern grandmas around here too. So apparently that’s like a grandmotherly thing across the world.

Jeni Raitsin

Hopefully we’re gonna be like this in a couple of years, maybe a long, long time, but yeah, for sure.


Yeah, yeah. I love that. All right, so what is a book, podcast, or other resource that has helped you in any area of your life?

Jeni Raitsin

Ooh, I love podcasts and I love reading. I think, can I give two recommendations?


Absolutely. We love recommendations.

Jeni Raitsin

Okay, so books, I think, there’s a book called Discover Your Destiny. I think there’s like it’s from Robin Sharma and I love this book because I think I read it every like year or two but this book has really helped me kind of find my purpose and my vision in the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey. 

So if somebody is listening and they’re just like starting out and they’re like, I’m not sure what I want to do, what’s like my purpose in life. I would recommend reading that. And obviously, I would recommend reading Positive Intelligence, PQ, this is what I’ve been trained to coach on.

The person who wrote the book, Shrizad Chamine, he’s my personal mentor, and I think positive intelligence is just the most life-changing practice I’ve ever encountered, learned, or taught. So it’s a great book to start with.


Awesome. I’ll have to pick up both of those because I’ve not read either. And I know that you recommend the Positive Intelligence one a lot. So I’m excited to read that. 

All right. Now, before we tell everyone where to find you, how to work with you and all that good stuff, this is something I like to ask all of my guests just because of the name of the podcast. What does being a homemaker in business mean to you?

Jeni Raitsin

Wow, that’s a great question. I think it’s connecting to one of my favorite phrases and it’s just creating your own reality. I don’t think there’s one right definition for it and I think that’s the beauty in it. I think each of us gets to do business our way or do life our own way, whatever homemaking means to any of us. As I said, some of us have homes, and some of us have children, fur babies, plant babies, whatever it is, there’s no right or wrong. It’s just about doing life your way and feeling happy about it.


I love that. That is such a great definition. Thank you. And now lastly, can you tell everyone where they can connect with you, how they can work with you, and get to know you all of that?

Jeni Raitsin

Yes. The name of the company is Leisure Hacker. You can find me online at leisurehacker.com. Go check out the website, and write to me if you like the design I did myself. Or I’m on Instagram @LeisureHacker or on LinkedIn just by my full name, Jeni Raitsin. 

I’m sure it’s going to be linked in the show notes. So if you’re listening to this podcast, come and say hi in my DMs and just tell me what you thought. I always like to connect with people.


And what are some ways that you’re currently working with clients? Because I know you’ve done one-on-one work and different group programs and stuff. So what do you have going on right now?

Jeni Raitsin

I’m always taking one-on-one clients just because I love it. Depending on when this airs, but reach out to me if you want one-on-one coaching. 

My baby project for this year is the next level of a membership club that I’ve been running for a couple of years. It started as the Solopreneur Space, but now it’s evolved. Today it’s called the MindFuel Club, and it’s just a membership club for busy women who want to learn different practices and different tools on how to do things easily, how to manage your stress, and how to have enough energy, mental energy to do well at work or in business and still have life outside of work and just create that balance.

That’s been growing and growing and hopefully will grow more in 2024. So yeah, that’s been like the biggest project this year.


I love that. It’s been a few years since I was in it, but I was one of the first members, I think, when you started the Solopreneur Space and that was like feels like a lifetime ago, but it’s so good. Y’all if you need any of this kind of help that Jeni helps with like seriously reach out to her because she’s amazing at what she does.

Jeni Raitsin

Yay, thank you, thank you, and thanks for having me, Steph. It’s been a pleasure.


Yeah, this has been so much fun. Thank you for coming on the podcast.





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Simply put, I’m a graphic designer that specializes in brand identity design and Showit website design - arguably the most important aspects of your business! I live in central Alabama with my high school band directing hubby, Thomas, on our modest homestead in the country.

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